A Daily Bible Reading That Makes the Bible Relevant to Your Life.
You have probably heard your pastor say many times that you should read the Bible regularly and consistently. Perhaps you have been told to read it every day. You most likely agree that time in the Word should be a consistent practice in your life.
However, if you are like many Christians, you get frustrated when you read the Bible. The Bible is a big book. It is hard to understand. It was written in different languages, in a different culture, and in a different time period. There are long lists of names. Many names are impossible to pronounce. Many passages in the Bible appear to have no relevance to your life in the 21st century.
Going to church doesn’t help. Modern evangelicalism is so focused on entertaining people and making them feel good, that they don’t put forth the effort required to actually explain the Bible. When Pastors read from the Bible during their so-called sermons, they use it to generate heart-warming experiences. That may touch you emotionally, but it does nothing to give you confidence and conviction about what you believe and why you believe it. Furthermore, using the Bible to merely put you on an emotional high ultimately leaves you empty.
Bible Mountain makes the Bible relevant to your life.
Bible Mountain is a daily scripture reading that takes less than 10 minutes a day. It starts with an assessment of how things are or how humans want things to be, and then uses the Bible to show how we should think and act. Bible Mountain is not designed to put you on a fleeting emotional high. Instead, Bible Mountain focuses on gleaning substance and truth from the Bible and making it relevant to your life today.
Since Bible Mountain is a daily lesson, each year you will take 365 steps toward Godliness, a Biblical worldview, and confidence in what you believe and why you believe it. Over time, those small daily steps will accumulate into a life-changing, fulfilling journey. Your prayers will be effective and you will be able to share the gospel with confidence.
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Here are some examples of relevancy that will be delivered in the next few days.
Should you talk about hell?
In recent decades many Christians have stopped talking about hell and the lake of fire. Their reasoning is that people don’t want to hear about it. They believe talking about negative topics turns people away from Christianity. Instead, they try to attract people to the faith with positive, uplifting messages. They emphasize the benefits of being a Christian.
Contrary to that philosophy, we see in Matthew 13 that Jesus talked about eternal destruction quite often. If Jesus talked about it, perhaps we should preach it. Furthermore, when you really think about it, the reality is that the existence of hell is actually the only reason to become a Christian.
How should you present Christianity?
There are so-called pastors and so-called churches today who deliver a so-called gospel message where the path to salvation is presented as merely having a relationship with Jesus. As part of their so-called gospel message they do not talk about sin, hell, repentance, or denial of self. In fact, they often present Christianity as a pleasure, and something that has no cost.
The 16th chapter of Matthew illustrates the fundamental flaw of their approach. Salvation does not come from merely having a relationship with Jesus. It is more than just an experience.
Do you believe that Jesus is the only way?
The conventional wisdom in the world today is that all religions are equal and there are many paths to heaven. Unfortunately, Biblical illiteracy is so bad that even some Christians have adopted that mindset or are unable to explain why that is not true. Matthew 17 makes it clear that Jesus will not even share His glory with other heroes of the Bible, let alone so-called gods from other religions.
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All these insights will be delivered in the next few days, so subscribe now.
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