Haggai 2:1-9

Two hundred years ago, Judeo-Christian values dominated the western world. Disciples of Jesus operated in an environment that was very conducive to Christianity. However, over the past couple centuries that has changed. Today the western world is very hostile to…

Haggai 1:12-15

Many people are familiar with the term the fear of the Lord. However, there is a lot of misinformation about what that term means. Many people interpret the fear of the Lord as something pleasant like awe and respect. They…

Nahum 1:1-11

During the Old Testament time period, the Israelites were very idolatrous. At one point, Yahweh used the Assyrians living in Ninevah as a tool to punish Israel for its sin. However, Yahweh was not happy with Ninevah either, so He…